Storytelling Resources
Storytelling for Beginners
Rydell, Katy. A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling. National Storytelling Network; Katy Rydell edition. 2003.
Davis, Donald. Telling Your Own Story. August House. 2005.
MacDonald, M. R. The Storyteller's Start-Up Book: Finding, Learning, Performing and Using Folktales. August House. 2006.
How-To Books/Professional Storytelling
Ellis, Elizabeth. From Plot to Narrative. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers, Inc.. 2012.
Niemi, Loren and Ellis, Elizabeth. Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories. August House. 2006
De Las Casas, D. The Story Biz Handbook: how to manage your storytelling career from the desk to the stage. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2008.
Norfolk, S., J. Stenson & D. Williams. The Storytelling Classroom: applications across the curriculum. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006.
Sima, J. & K. Cordi. Raising Voices: creating youth storytelling groups and troupes. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2003.
Story Collection Books
Hold, David and Mooney, Bill Editors. Ready-To-Tell Tales: Sure-Fire Stories From America's Favorite Storytellers (Multicultural Resource: Stories & Tellers of Many Cultures). August. 2005.
MacDonald, M. R. Three Minute Tales: stories from around the world to tell or read when time is short. Little Rock, AR: August House, 2004.
Ellis, Elizabeth. Every Day A Holiday: A storyteller's memoir. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers Inc. 2014.
Storytelling Websites
National Storytelling Network www.storynet.org
Stone Soup Storytelling Institute www.stonesoupsc.org
North Carolina Storytelling Guild www.ncstoryguild.org/
Catch the Story Bug www.storybug.net
The Moth’s Blog www.themoth.org/blog
Storyteller’s Database (free software to track stories) https://www.storytellersdb.com