Storytelling Resources
Storytelling for Beginners
Rydell, Katy. A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling. National Storytelling Network; Katy Rydell edition. 2003.
Davis, Donald. Telling Your Own Story. August House. 2005.
MacDonald, M. R. The Storyteller's Start-Up Book: Finding, Learning, Performing and Using Folktales. August House. 2006.
How-To Books/Professional Storytelling
Ellis, Elizabeth. From Plot to Narrative. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers, Inc.. 2012.
Niemi, Loren and Ellis, Elizabeth. Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories. August House. 2006
De Las Casas, D. The Story Biz Handbook: how to manage your storytelling career from the desk to the stage. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2008.
Norfolk, S., J. Stenson & D. Williams. The Storytelling Classroom: applications across the curriculum. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006.
Sima, J. & K. Cordi. Raising Voices: creating youth storytelling groups and troupes. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2003.
Story Collection Books
Hold, David and Mooney, Bill Editors. Ready-To-Tell Tales: Sure-Fire Stories From America's Favorite Storytellers (Multicultural Resource: Stories & Tellers of Many Cultures). August. 2005.
MacDonald, M. R. Three Minute Tales: stories from around the world to tell or read when time is short. Little Rock, AR: August House, 2004.
Ellis, Elizabeth. Every Day A Holiday: A storyteller's memoir. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers Inc. 2014.
Storytelling Websites
National Storytelling Network
Stone Soup Storytelling Institute
North Carolina Storytelling Guild
Catch the Story Bug
The Moth’s Blog
Storyteller’s Database (free software to track stories)