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You're never far from a storyteller Come join with SCSN -- all fees have been suspended until the world levels out again!! Please join us as we grow storytellers and storytelling in South Carolina

Storyteller Membership



  • Listing on the SCSN Website, including an opportunity to include an audio clip, and promoting your product(s) in the Marketplace

  • Discounts on SCSN Events and Workshops

Organizational Membership

Perfect for Storytelling Festivals, Guilds, and other Storytelling Organizations/Groups



  • Listing on the "Organizations" page of the SCSN website

Associate Membership

Perfect for Storylovers


Would you like to stay informed about storytelling in the Palmetto state even if you're not a storyteller? Associate Membership is the choice for you! Associate Membership includes all the benefits of regular membership except voting privileges and directory listings. This option is great for librarians, teachers, or media specialists.

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